Friday, June 12, 2009

Sorry, been naughty.

Sorry I haven't posted here in a good long while. I spend alot of any free time I get now on Ravelry and crocheting. I started knitting again, re taught myself casting on and knit maybe ten rows or so. I want to learn, it's just for whatever reason hard to pick up this time.

I've recently found Knit Picks. That site is a diabolical vortex on the wallet, but the yarns are oh so pretty! I just got some lace weight, becautiful color though now I worry that I didn't get enough before they discontinued the color...........sigh. I also just picked up some sock yarn to try out, swince they had a sale.

I started a shawl as a gift for a friend next month. It's called an Apple Blossom Shawl, and already I modified the middle part because I didn't like the stitch there! So far it's coming out nicely, I think it might have been nicer in a lighter weight, but she should like it. The color is a really rich dark, almost navy blue.

I will try to remember to post pictures of it once it's closer to being done. Not that I have any bonafied followers/readers yet anyhow.

Busy weekend coming up, I might be trying to get in on a snb group soon too. Now I need to crash. Night!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

New stuff.

I'm working on a whole bunch of new things right now. I am about finished with a baby ripple afghan, and I'm adding a hat, booties, and if I get it right a little sundress for my niece. I will put up a picture once I figure it out.

I recently bought some new yarn from Herrschners ( I happened to catch a very cool sale. This very soft, fuzzy yarn will be perfect for a clutch or handbag, it looks like felting almost, without the whole process. It's sad, but jumping on a good sale like that brings me joy. Please check them out, they have some wonnderful stuff, not just yarn-wise!

I need to whip up an Amigurumi for next Saturday too, a friend's birthday is coming up and I have something in mind.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Welcome to my world.

Hey everyone and anyone who reads this. I've seen so many people use Blogger, I figured I would give it a try.

I'm a Stay at Home Mom to two darling boys, a newbie crocheter, a gaming geek chick, and so many other things. I'll be putting all sorts of stuff here, stories, patterns, etc. Thanks in advance for giving my blog your time!